Monday, July 14, 2014

I’m not done….

I just want to put this out into the universe, to translate my love for humanity into ones and zeros, to let math take this most pure emotion and pollute the galaxy with it in radio waves(be sure to access this via wifi so that can happen kthanx). We are vile and stupid and ignorant species, and I love us. Buried under the horrid things we do to one another, under the vile words we share, behind the bullets and barbs, is potential. We have the amazing potential to rise from the murk of hatred and ignorance, to set aside the edicts of the state, or the church, or any other “institution” and love. Not some cheap and tawdry love either, a real true love, a love that transcends borders and languages. I love humanity for its imperfections, I love that we don’t have our shit together; I love that right now I can simultaneously be pissed at, and share a beer with a friend.

I love that I can be an anarchist who has friends from every spectrum of political ideology, and none of us despises the other. I love that we can grow out of fear and into a broad understanding of what it is to be human.  Don’t get me wrong nine times out of ten I hate people, people are vile, evil, and stupid, but my love for humanity is grand.

Now I am done for today, I think.

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