Monday, July 21, 2014

I am an anarchist.

I am an anarchist. This means that there are many things I am “against”; I am against the government, racism, oppression, colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism. These things are merely a consequence of being an anarchist; they are the end point of the “why”. In other words I didn’t become an anarchist because I hated government, or money, or racists, I became an anarchist because I love you.  Not that fluffy bullshit Disney love, a true hard and messy love. I love you as a human and thus I want you to have the opportunity to flourish, the best way to do that is to oppose those things which keep you from doing this.

1 comment:

  1. We are the termites of the mammal world. We are soft, pathetic and expendable as individuals but a raging flood of power and change when we work together. And we are too many not to work together. Many, if not most things, are incapable of existing within a single mind. They exist between us.

    What is government but an expression on the hive mind? A agreed compendium of behavior and rule so that we operate as a beast infinitely greater than ourselves. When 'they' are evil, or wasteful or authoritarian I believe the wrong pronoun is being used. We have met the enemy and he is us.
